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wHAt DoEs it mEan tO BE a CHilD aDvoCatE?

Advocacy, to me, simply means to amplify. I am here to not only amplify the *voices* of kids, but to amplify their capacity, their wisdom, and their general awesomeness.


I am passionate about shifting the social narrative from "grownups-know-best" to "kids are powerful collaborators in building the world we all wish to see." I also actively advocate for children's rights and am committed to ensuring that all children have access to the necessary resources and support to thrive. I launched my first NFT project, Every Little Step, in August 2022 and sold out, providing the funds necessary to delivery step stools to local Nashville businesses to make their space more accessible to kids.


kiD BooK CLuBs

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Kid Book Clubs offer a chance to engage with literacy in community - plus it's just FUN.


In-person clubs are offered for 1st-3rd Graders and 4th-6th Graders in the greater Nashville area. Clubs are starting soon!


Virtual Book Club begins April 27th, 2025!

Books + Resources

"tOGEtHEr witH Miss AnnA"


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Discover the magic within every child in 'Little Sparks,' a heartwarming compilation celebrating the extraordinary journey of childhood. From the awe-inspiring wonders of brain development to the playful adventures of imagination, this delightful book is a treasure trove of quotes, stories, and facts that showcase the brilliance and resilience of kids. With charming illustrations and captivating narratives, 'Little Sparks' illuminates the joy, curiosity, and boundless potential that make childhood a truly magical experience. Perfect for parents, educators, and anyone who believes in the power of little sparks to light up the world.


hoW Can I aDvoCaTE?

There are so many ways to amplify kids in our world!


You can start by simply NOTICING the kids around you. Watch how they take in their environment and adapt at lightning speed. This noticing is the first step.


If you're in a public space and notice that there are no STEPSTOOLS or short countertops in the bathrooms, ASK THE MANAGER TO PURCHASE ONE so that kids can reach the sinks.


Go to a local SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. These are open to the public and you may find that you have a lot to say about the school environment.


Do a teensy bit of research about CHILD DEVELOPMENT. It doesn't need to be a deep dive. But learning more about kids at each stage of development can help you to know how to best support them.


SHOW UP consistently for the kids in your life. Whether they're your biological kids, your nieces/nephews/niblings, or your neighbor's kids - be kind and accept their invitations to play. Helping a child to feel valued, cared for, and seen is a beautiful way to advocate.


Contact your REPRESENTATIVES when child-related social issues arise (it can be argued that all social issues are child-related but I digress).


You can also take a look at my projects below for more ways to learn and get involved.

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